Hartwell Family Association Reunions of the 1890s
Click any image to view it in a full-screen window. Note that there are charts and lists below many of the photographs which will help to potentially identify participants. Do you have an ancestor that attended one of these Reunions?
There were two HFA Reunions in 1890. One was at the Town Hall in Concord and the other at a member's home in Hubbardston (in central Massachusetts) a week later.
August 28, 1890
Town Hall, Concord, Massachusetts
Town Hall, Concord, Massachusetts
September 4, 1890
Hubbardston, Massachusetts
Hubbardston, Massachusetts
August 27, 1891
Concord, Massachusetts
Concord, Massachusetts
We have a photograph and a 5-page account of this Eighth Hartwell Family Association Reunion.