The Hartwell Farm Restaurant in Lincoln, Massachusetts
Hartwell Farm was a restaurant in Lincoln, Massachusetts. It was established in 1929 by Marion Fitch and Jane Poor, and occupied the Samuel Hartwell House built in 1733. The building was destroyed by fire in February 1968, and all that remains is its central chimney stack (see Feb 19 and Feb 25 articles in the Boston Globe). It is located in the Minute Man National Historic Park on Battle Road, southeast of Hartwell Tavern.
A booklet on Hartwell Farm was produced in 1965 and sold in the restaurant. Our member David Hartwell Webber also provided us a place setting of china depicting Hartwell Farm, which his mother had purchased at the restaurant. Both of these items are shown below.
A booklet on Hartwell Farm was produced in 1965 and sold in the restaurant. Our member David Hartwell Webber also provided us a place setting of china depicting Hartwell Farm, which his mother had purchased at the restaurant. Both of these items are shown below.
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Hartwell Farm
24-page Booklet
The Restaurant Menu and a Map
Article in Yankee Magazine
In 2001, our genealogist Joy Peach worked with Yankee to get an article published about the food at Hartwell Farm, complete with recipes! Though the notes say that it was never published in print, it was on their website. Fortunately the article copy was in the Hartwell Archives and it is viewable below.
click the image to read the article and notes