The Hartwell Y-DNA Project
The Hartwell Y-DNA project at Family Tree DNA was created in 2015 by Stephen Hartwell to explore the origins of the Hartwell surname, to further expand the knowledge of the Y-DNA that all male Hartwells share in common, and to use Y-DNA to help with Hartwell genealogical connections.
Y-DNA is different than traditional autosomal DNA that is typically tested for at, 23&Me and MyHeritage. The only DNA testing company that currently tests for Y-DNA is Family Tree DNA. Further information about Y-DNA testing can be found on their website as well as the ISOGG wiki and the Big Y Facebook group.
Would you like to contribute? If you are a male with the surname of Hartwell, here are the steps to take:
1. Purchase a Y-37 (good), Y-111 (better) or Big Y-700 (best) test from FamilyTreeDNA.
2. Join the Hartwell Y-DNA Surname Project on Family Tree DNA
3. Upload your known Hartwell paternal ancestry
Have you already taken a Y-DNA test? Consider upgrading your kit to Y-111 or even better Big Y-700. You don't have to take another cheek swab - they can use your existing sample. For more information, login to your Family Tree DNA account and click on Add Ons & Upgrades in the upper right, then click Upgrades.
As of June 2023, the Hartwell Project has 37 members, which include 27 male Hartwells who have taken tests of Y-37 or greater. We are especially looking for new male Hartwells who know their paternal ancestry to take a Y-DNA test at the highest level possible (Big Y-700). We are also encouraging male Hartwells who have already tested to upgrade to Big Y-700. This will improve the accuracy of our knowledge about the Hartwell line, both in the last few hundred years and back into its ancient origins.
The following Hartwell Clade diagram shows the eight (so far) Hartwells who have taken the Big Y-700 test. Seven of these Hartwells can trace their pedigree back to the immigrant William Hartwell (1612-1689); the eighth is English and can trace his line back to James Hartwell (1715-1795). Identifying SNPs, coming from the Big Y testers, have been placed on the tree wherever they are known. This diagram will become more and more useful as additional Hartwell take Big Y tests and we discover new SNPs that can help us break through brick walls. In particular, if we can find additional English Hartwells to take the Big Y DNA test, we may be able to shed some additional light on the English origins of William Hartwell the immigrant.
Stephen Hartwell
Updated 23 June 2024
click on an image to zoom in
If you are a Hartwell male, please consider Y-DNA testing. Let’s look forward to discovering more about our Hartwell connections! Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Stephen Hartwell, Hartwell Project Administrator
[email protected]
I can also be reached through the Hartwells of America Association Facebook page or the Hartwells of America Facebook group.
Stephen Hartwell, Hartwell Project Administrator
[email protected]
I can also be reached through the Hartwells of America Association Facebook page or the Hartwells of America Facebook group.